Italian verb conjugator

This is a translator app I made in python which takes regular Infinitive Italian verbs and conjugates them to a person and tense. It uses a large set of Italian verb rules to conjugate the verbs and the google translate API to translate the verbs to English, all hidden behind a sleek GUI.

(11th June 2022)

Note: It does not work without a physical keyboard and the google API does not seem to be working with Replit. Use your own python interpreter with the code below to use all features.

I also made a version with Chat GPT API as well that would give you conjugated verb alongside the logic-based solution.

This is the source code for the project. Feel free to copy it. and run it in your own python interpreter for a better experience. Click to download the python file. Sorry I can't share the exe file with you, google drive really wasn't happy hosting it :(

from tkinter import *

from googletrans import Translator

translator = Translator()

window = Tk()

window.title("Italian regular infinative verb Translator")

reason="This just here as a place holder, I am working to to add the reason :)"

def dbn():





def dlab2():


      lab2.destroy();lab2.destroy();lab2.destroy();lab2.destroy();lab2.destroy();print("lab2 is dead meat")



      print("coulnt find lab2")


def dTense():





def dPerson():





def dendRestart():





def dhaveambt():





def restart():


  global lab1,labone,Translate1

  for widget in window.winfo_children():


  labone = Label(window, text="Back for more! Enter the infinitve of the regular verb below. \n e.g sapere, sentire, parlare, scrivere, finire")

  labone.grid(column=1, row=0,columnspan = 6)

  lab1 = Entry(window,width=20)

  lab1.grid(column=1, row=1,columnspan = 6)

  Translate1 = Button(window, text ="Click to proceed",command= clicked)

  Translate1.grid(column=1, row=2,columnspan = 6)


def Workitout(Person):

  global result,reason,end,Restart,ambt,havebt,amhave,oldresult

  print(Person+"plase print")

  if Tense=="present":


    if Person=="i":



      reason="In the present tense, if the person is \"I\", you take of the last 3 letters and add \"o\"."


    elif Person=="you":



      reason="In the present tense, if the person is \"you\", you take of the last 3 letters and add \"i\"."


    elif Person=="he" or Person=="she":




      if (result[-1:])=="i":


        reason="In the present tense, if the person is \"he\" or \"she\", you take of the last 3 letters. Then add an \"a\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"e\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"e\" for a \"ire\" verb."



        reason="In the present tense, if the person is \"he\" or \"she\", you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"a\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"e\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"e\" for a \"ire\" verb."


    elif Person==("we"):



      reason="In the present tense, if the person is \"we\", you take of the last 3 letters and add \"iamo\"."


    elif Person==("you(p)"):



      reason="In the present tense, if the person is \"you(p)\", you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"ate\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"ete\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"ite\" for a \"ire\" verb."


    elif Person==("they"):

      if (infinitive[-3:-2])=="a":


        reason="In the present tense, if the person is \"they\", you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"ano\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"ono\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"ono\" for a \"ire\" verb."




        reason="In the present tense, if the person is \"they\", you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"ano\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"ono\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"ono\" for a \"ire\" verb."




      print("you entered the person in icorectly")

  #future tense

  elif Tense=="future":


    if Person=="i":


      if (infinitive[-3:-2])=="a":


        reason="In the future tense, if the person is \"I\" , you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"erὸ\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"erὸ\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"irὸ\" for a \"ire\" verb."




        reason="In the future tense, if the person is \"I\" , you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"erὸ\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"erὸ\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"irὸ\" for a \"ire\" verb."


    elif Person=="you":


      if (infinitive[-3:-2])=="a":


        reason="In the future tense, if the person is \"you\" , you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"erai\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"erai\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"irai\" for a \"ire\" verb."



        reason="In the future tense, if the person is \"you\" , you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"erai\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"erai\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"irai\" for a \"ire\" verb."


    elif Person=="he" or Person=="she":


      if (infinitive[-3:-2])=="a":


        reason="In the future tense, if the person is \"he\" or\"she\", you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"erá\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"erai\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"irai\" for a \"ire\" verb."



        reason="In the future tense, if the person is \"he\" or\"she\", you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"erá\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"erai\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"irai\" for a \"ire\" verb."


    elif Person==("we"):


      if (infinitive[-3:-2])=="a":


        reason="In the future tense, if the person is \"we\", you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"eremo\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"eremo\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"iremo\" for a \"ire\" verb."



        reason="In the future tense, if the person is \"we\", you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"eremo\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"eremo\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"iremo\" for a \"ire\" verb."


    elif Person==("you(p)"):


      if (infinitive[-3:-2])=="a":


        reason="In the future tense, if the person is \"you(p)\", you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"erete\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"erete\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"irete\" for a \"ire\" verb."



        reason="In the future tense, if the person is \"you(p)\", you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"erete\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"erete\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"irete\" for a \"ire\" verb."


    elif Person==("they"):


      if (infinitive[-3:-2])=="a":


        reason="In the future tense, if the person is \"they\", you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"eranno\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"eranno\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"iranno\" for a \"ire\" verb."



        reason="In the future tense, if the person is \"they\", you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"eranno\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"eranno\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"iranno\" for a \"ire\" verb."



      print("you entered the person in icorectly")


  #imperect tense

  elif Tense=="imperfect":


    if Person=="i":



      reason="In the imperfect tense, if the person is \"I\", you take of the last 2 letters and add \"vo\"."


    elif Person=="you":



      reason="In the imperfect tense, if the person is \"you\", you take of the last 2 letters and add \"vi\"."


    elif Person=="he"or Person=="she":



      reason="In the imperfect tense, if the person is \"he\" or \"she\", you take of the last 2 letters and add \"va\"."


    elif Person==("we"):



      reason="In the imperfect tense, if the person is \"we\", you take of the last 2 letters and add \"vamo\"."


    elif Person==("you(p)"):



      reason="In the imperfect tense, if the person is \"you(p)\", you take of the last 2 letters and add \"vate\"."


    elif Person==("they"):



      reason="In the imperfect tense, if the person is \"I\", you take of the last 2 letters and add \"vano\"."



      print("you entered the person in icorectly")



  elif Tense=="perfect":


    if (infinitive[-3:-2])=="e":





    def blankambthavebt():



    def am():



      global result,oldresult,end,Restart



      if Person=="i":


        result="sono "+result


        reason="In the perfect tense, you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"ato\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"uto\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"ito\" for a \"ire\" verb. This is now the past participle, for example \"andato\" means \"left.\"\nThen you need to add \"I am\" infront, which is \"sono.\""

      elif Person=="you":


        result="sei "+result


        reason="In the perfect tense, you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"ato\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"uto\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"ito\" for a \"ire\" verb. This is now the past participle, for example \"andato\" means \"left.\"\nThen you need to add \"you are\" infront, which is \"sei.\""

      elif Person=="he" or Person=="she":

        print("he or she")

        result="e' "+result


        reason="In the perfect tense, you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"ato\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"uto\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"ito\" for a \"ire\" verb. This is now the past participle, for example \"andato\" means \"left.\"\nThen you need to add \"he/she is\" infront, which is \"e'.\""

      elif Person==("we"):


        reason="In the perfect tense, you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"ato\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"uto\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"ito\" for a \"ire\" verb. This is now the past participle, for example \"andato\" means \"left.\"\nThen you need to add \"we are\" infront, which is \"siamo.\""

        result="siamo "+result


      elif Person==("you(p)"):


        result="siete "+result


        reason="In the perfect tense, you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"ato\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"uto\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"ito\" for a \"ire\" verb. This is now the past participle, for example \"andato\" means \"left.\"\nThen you need to add \"You are\" infront, which is \"siete.\""

      elif Person==("they"):

        if (infinitive[-3:-2])=="a":

          result="sono "+result


          reason="In the perfect tense, you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"ato\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"uto\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"ito\" for a \"ire\" verb. This is now the past participle, for example \"andato\" means \"left.\"\nThen you need to add \"they are\" infront, which is \"sono.\""


        print("you entered the person in icorectly")




          print("could not delete becaseu nothing there")

      end = Label(window, text="RESULT: The infinative "+infinitive+" in the "+Tense+" tense and the "+Person+" form is conjugated to make "+result+". \n REASON: "+reason)

      end.grid(column=1, row=10,columnspan = 6)

      Restart = Button(window, text ="Click before entering a new verb to restart program",command= restart)

      Restart.grid(column=1, row=11,columnspan = 6)


    def have():



      global result,end,Restart,oldresult



      if Person=="i":


        result="ho "+result


        reason="In the perfect tense, you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"ato\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"uto\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"ito\" for a \"ire\" verb. This is now the past participle, for example \"parlato\" means \"spoken.\"\nThen you need to add \"I have\" infront, which is \"ho.\""

      elif Person=="you":


        result="hai "+result


        reason="In the perfect tense, you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"ato\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"uto\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"ito\" for a \"ire\" verb. This is now the past participle, for example \"parlato\" means \"spoken.\"\nThen you need to add \"You have\" infront, which is \"hai.\""

      elif Person=="he" or Person=="she":

        print("he or she")

        result="ha "+result


        reason="In the perfect tense, you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"ato\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"uto\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"ito\" for a \"ire\" verb. This is now the past participle, for example \"parlato\" means \"spoken.\"\nThen you need to add \"he/she have\" infront, which is \"ha.\""

      elif Person==("we"):


        result="abbiamo "+result


        reason="In the perfect tense, you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"ato\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"uto\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"ito\" for a \"ire\" verb. This is now the past participle, for example \"parlato\" means \"spoken.\"\nThen you need to add \"we have\" infront, which is \"abbiamo\""

      elif Person==("you(p)"):


        result="avete "+result


        reason="In the perfect tense, you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"ato\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"uto\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"ito\" for a \"ire\" verb. This is now the past participle, for example \"parlato\" means \"spoken.\"\nThen you need to add \"you have\" infront, which is \"avete.\""

      elif Person==("they"):



        reason="In the perfect tense, you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"ato\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"uto\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"ito\" for a \"ire\" verb. This is now the past participle, for example \"parlato\" means \"spoken.\"\nThen you need to add \"they have\" ifront, which is \"hanno.\""


        print("you entered the person in icorectly")




        print("could not delete becaseu nothing there")

      end = Label(window, text="RESULT: The infinative "+infinitive+" in the "+Tense+" Tense and the "+Person+" form is conjugated to make "+result+". \n REASON: "+reason)

      end.grid(column=1, row=10,columnspan = 6)

      Restart = Button(window, text ="Click before entering a new verb to restart program",command= restart)

      Restart.grid(column=1, row=11,columnspan = 6)

    amhave = Label(window, text="Does your verb need \"have\" or \"am\" infront of it. eg. I have eaten/I ate or i am going/i went ")

    amhave.grid(column=1, row=8,columnspan = 6)

    ambt = Button(window, text ="am(essere)",command= am)

    ambt.grid(column=1, row=9)

    havebt = Button(window, text ="have(avere)",command= have)

    havebt.grid(column=2, row=9)




        print("the error is not a bad thing, it is intetional")

  elif Tense=="conditional":


    if Person=="i":


      if (infinitive[-3:-2])=="a":





    elif Person=="you":


      if (infinitive[-3:-2])=="a":





      reason="In the perfect tense, you take of the last 3 letters. Then add \"ato\" if its a \"are\" verb,\"uto\" if its a \"ere\" verb and \"ito\" for a \"ire\" verb. This is now the past participle, for example \"andato\" means \"left.\"\nThen you need to add \"he/she is\" infront, which is \"e'.\""

    elif Person=="he" or Person=="she":


      if (infinitive[-3:-2])=="a":





    elif Person==("we"):


      if (infinitive[-3:-2])=="a":





    elif Person==("you(p)"):


      if (infinitive[-3:-2])=="a":





    elif Person==("they"):


      if (infinitive[-3:-2])=="a":






      print("you entered the person in icorectly")


    print("you entered the tense wroge")




    print("could not delete becaseu nothing there")

  end = Label(window, text="RESULT: The infinative "+infinitive+" in the "+Tense+" Tense and the "+Person+" form is conjugated to make "+result+". \n REASON: "+reason)

  end.grid(column=1, row=8,columnspan = 6)

  Restart = Button(window, text ="Click before entering a new verb to restart program",command= restart)

  Restart.grid(column=1, row=9,columnspan = 6)


labone = Label(window, text="Enter the infinitve of the regular verb below.  \n e.g sapere, sentire, parlare, scrivere, finire")

labone.grid(column=1, row=0,columnspan = 6)

lab1 = Entry(window,width=20)

lab1.grid(column=1, row=1,columnspan = 6)

def doperson():

  print("do person called up")

  global lab3,Person,Ibt,Youbt,HeShebt,Webt,Youpbt,Theybt,Restart

  lab3 = Label(window, text="Click on the person you want to be doing the verb.")

  lab3.grid(column=1, row=6,columnspan = 6)

  def Blankbtdoperson():







  def I():





    global Persone



  def You():





    global Person



  def HeShe():





    global Person



  def We():





    global Person



  def Youp():





    global Person



  def They():





    global Person



  Ibt = Button(window, text ="I",command= I)

  Ibt.grid(column=1, row=7)

  Youbt = Button(window, text ="You",command= You)

  Youbt.grid(column=2, row=7)

  HeShebt = Button(window, text ="He/She",command= HeShe)

  HeShebt.grid(column=3, row=7)

  Webt = Button(window, text ="We",command= We)

  Webt.grid(column=4, row=7)

  Youpbt = Button(window, text ="You (plural)",command= Youp)

  Youpbt.grid(column=5, row=7)

  Theybt = Button(window, text ="They",command= They)

  Theybt.grid(column=6, row=7)


def clicked():


  global infinitive,bn,lab2,Presentbt,Futurebt,Imperfectbt,Perfectbt,Conditionalbt,Restart

  infinitive = lab1.get()



  print("lab2 deleted")





  if infinitive=="":

      print("no thing was enterd")

      bn = Label(window, text="WARNING: You Entered nothing, Enter some text and press the button above.")

      bn.grid(column=1, row=3,columnspan = 6)




        translate=translator.translate(infinitive, src= "it", dest='en')


        if (translate.text[0:3])=="to ":

          bn = Label(window, text="The infinative "+infinitive+" means "+translate.text)

          bn.grid(column=1, row=3,columnspan = 6)


          bn = Label(window, text="The infinative "+infinitive+" means to "+translate.text)

          bn.grid(column=1, row=3,columnspan = 6)


        bn = Label(window, text="Error! The verb could not be tranlated to english due to no internet conection. Dodn't worry about this message, this seems to be a replit problem. Try copying the code into another pythib interrepter.")

        bn.grid(column=1, row=3,columnspan = 6)

      def blanktensebt():






      def Present():






        global Tense




      def Future():






        global Tense



      def Imperfect():






        global Tense



      def Perfect():






        global Tense



      def Conditional():






        global Tense



      lab2 = Label(window, text="Click on the tense you want the verb to be in.")

      lab2.grid(column=1, row=4,columnspan = 6)

      Presentbt = Button(window, text ="Present",command= Present)

      Presentbt.grid(column=1, row=5)

      Futurebt = Button(window, text ="Future",command= Future)

      Futurebt.grid(column=2, row=5)

      Imperfectbt = Button(window, text ="Imperfect",command= Imperfect)

      Imperfectbt.grid(column=3, row=5)

      Perfectbt = Button(window, text ="Perfect",command= Perfect)

      Perfectbt.grid(column=4, row=5)

      Conditionalbt = Button(window, text ="Conditional",command= Conditional)

      Conditionalbt.grid(column=5, row=5)


Translate1 = Button(window, text ="Click to proceed",command= clicked)

Translate1.grid(column=1, row=2,columnspan = 6)

global orig_color

orig_color = Translate1.cget("background")

print("orig_color set !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")


If you modiify any code, please link the fork in the Replit comments. Thanks!